Green Roofs: Biodiversity Net Gain
As our cities continue to evolve, the importance of intertwining urban development with ecological preservation becomes increasingly apparent. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of biodiversity net gain and the impact a GrufeKit green roof can have on BNG.
Explaining Biodiversity Net Gain
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a way of creating and improving natural habitats. BNG makes sure developments have a measurable positive impact on biodiversity, compared to what was there before development (GOV.UK).
BNG is an addition to existing habitat and species protections. It is intended to create new habitats, as well as to enhance existing habitats, to ensure the ecological connectivity they provide for wildlife is retained and improved (Nature England).
Under mandatory BNG legislation, all developments in England must replace any biodiversity lost and add a minimum of 10% biodiversity to provide a net gain. This scheme applies to developers of major developments, including new housing, infrastructure and commercial developments and will also include small developments from April 2024 (GOV UK) (ABG).
How a GrufeKit Green Roof can help BNG
A GrufeKit green roof can particularly help with BNG in urban environments where space is limited. By adding a green roof you can massively increase the habitats available to birds, bees, butterflies and insects.
Whilst there are many different factors affecting your overall BNG score, using a native, species-rich plant palette will give you a better score. An extensive green roof with a mixture of wildflowers and sedum acts as a compromise between biodiversity value, potential provision of ecosystem services and aesthetic appeal over winter. If you are looking for something that will hold aesthetic appeal but will also contribute to biodiversity, our Sedum & Wildflower GrufeTiles are a perfect choice. This option tends to be suitable where surrounding buildings look down onto the living roof. It will contribute to improving biodiversity, and your BNG score, through the wildflowers that grow, creating habitats for birds, bees, butterflies and insects.
Benefits of Biodiversity Net Gain: Beyond Wildlife Conservation
The benefits of biodiversity net gain can go beyond improving wildlife conservation. BNG can help improve air quality and flood management. A green roof can help improve air quality as plants purify the air and absorb polluting particles. Green roofs are a natural type of flood management. The substrate beneath the plants on a GrufeTile will soak up a significant amount of water, the saturated soil will then slowly release the water off the roof, reducing the risk of a flash flood.
In addition to this, wildlife can help bring a sense of community to an area, enhancing wellbeing and quality of life for residents.
If you have any further questions about how our GrufeKit green roofs can help with biodiversity net gain, please do not hesitate to get in touch!